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        以下是聖境預言書的作者James Redfiled所發表有關2012的內容,我認為蠻有意思的,把它翻譯成中文內容與大家一起分享,若有興趣想讀原文英文版的,在下方處有。另外補充一則消息新書The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision "第十二覺悟"。將於明年2011年2月15日發售英文版,看最快能不能明年春季台灣就能有中文版發售。

    官方網站為 http://www.celestinevision.com/

許多你們聽見我提到,在全球禱告項目會議上,約翰 Calleman名稱卡爾。 在我看來,他是瑪雅曆法專家,最準確的信息Calendar的預測。他說,三件事情,我相信我們每個人現在必須採取行動。 一,這些預測都沒有關係人類生存的終結,這是好萊塢的炒作。 這些預測也對幫助我們進入一個更高的精神意識。 二,能預測未來的瑪雅人都在了,人的高峰,而不是12月21日,2012年,但在2011年10月28日。 三,能量正在加快,與我們現在打的脈衝,從 09年11月8日。

Calleman進一步明確了瑪雅人的心臟的'消息對我們來說:能量靈性進化到人類的未來已在大爆炸以來,人類意識的第一次推入細胞通過生物水平,其次是通過行星部落水平,然後進入目前銀河意識 - 共八個級別到這一點。 新階段的開始 8號被稱為第六天晚上銀河水平,並持續到11月2日,2010.This是其中的最後步驟之前,我們進入了第九和最後一級,萬能意識,這將開始出現在2011年。
如你所知,我們一直在不斷變化的描述同樣的意識,感覺如何,在天青石預言叢書。 而我即將出版,第12屆洞察力,是什麼,我們已經開始感受到並完全融入這個高度的自覺性。 鑑於這一點,我相信我們是被要求立即處理這個迫在眉睫的第六天晚上激增! 世界金融危機發生在過去,五夜期,11月18日開始,2007年,恰逢正好與開始的金融危機。 (見 Calleman的圖在他的文章。)以下的第六天,11月開始 12日,熱情的特點是,選舉的奧巴馬在美國和後來的經濟復甦跡象,世界各地。 不過,夜時期總是倍停頓,思考,想像我們想要的和調整到什麼是真正的。 因此,未來夜時期似乎有可能帶來更多的挑戰和啟示,增加明年夏天七月左右。 Calleman認為,美元可能崩潰,各國政府可能會破產。 它也可以更溫和,更體現在內部。 在任何情況下,我相信我們每個人嚴重程度作為個人,取決於我們如何處理它的心靈。
這一天11月7日終了期間的特點是政治操縱,責備,和難以置信的躺在各方,並傾向由企業去馬上回“一切如常”。 然而,正如我們的意識覺醒了,我們已經制定了提高意識的真實性,我們是完全關閉的這一切。 現在,我們可以更容易地告訴當人們離開了誠信,我們反應過來,這創造了一個更直接的因果報應的那些人。 (評級的批准,美國國會現在只是百分之二十六。)於 11月8日,浪湧新夜期間將流入我們,我相信我們會在這一時期被稱為看到這種同步性皮疹不真實在政治圈的消息對我們的生活。 因此,我認為我們將開始我們個人的自我清潔的所有是出於完整性。 這意味著什麼,但說完全的真理,我們所知道的其他人,以及行動總是在其他人的最佳利益。 (請記住,他們已經知道我們是否是或不是。)這本身會帶來一個開明的資本主義和運動走向一個更文明的社會。 另一方面,如果我們打的大潮中,業力會增加。
另一項行動,我相信我們正在呼籲的,是準備中斷。 有食物儲存。 有計劃去什麼地方,如果有一台發電機的燈光和電話外出時間較長的長度。 當心貨幣問題,並採取適當的行動。 同時,請不要被模糊想法,準備發出了一個消極的期望,吸引了最壞的打算。 正如Calleman指出,神聖的力量推動我們相處是這樣,無論我們喜歡還是不喜歡。 攜帶期望和祈禱了積極成果,甚至當你用你的直覺來幫助您做出正確的選擇。 不祥的預感和內心的指導原則是有目的的發展走向,我們更多的道德和精神世界。
正如許多人已經指出,未來經濟的不斷增長正在興建一個新的價值:信任。我們能否信任的行動和榮譽的人,我們是網絡呢? 是一個人的行動一樣好,他/她的話? 有了這個新的感官力量,更好地因果報應,我們正在把我們提出了最好的歷史和傳統。 正如所有的整合,這一個可以證明自己。 試試看,你會感受到這個階段的全部能量精神的演變:一個道德轉變了我們如何與對方 - 瑪雅人的轉變在某種程度上知道來了。 
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此發表的原文稿在此連結   http://www.celestinevision.com/2012.html

2012: The Energetic Countdown
is Happening Now
Many of you have heard me mention, in the Global Prayer Project sessions, the name of Carl Johan Calleman. In my opinion, he is the Mayan Calender expert with the most accurate information about the Calendar's predictions. He says three things I believe each of us must ACT ON NOW. One, the predictions have nothing to do with the end of human existence; this is Hollywood hype. The predictions are about helping us move into a higher spiritual consciousness. Two, the energies predicted by the Mayans are coming in already, and they peak, not on December 21, 2012, but on October 28, 2011. And Three, the energies are accelerating, with a pulse hitting us now, beginning NOVEMBER 8, 2009.

Calleman Article:
Calleman further clarifies the heart of the Mayans' message for us: the energies of spiritual evolution have been coming into humanity since the Big Bang, pushing human consciousness first into the cellular through biological levels, next the Tribal through the Planetary levels, and then into the current Galactic Consciousness -- a total of Eight levels up to this point. The new phase beginning on the 8th is called the Sixth Night of the Galactic level, and lasts through November 2, 2010.This is one of the last steps before we move into the Ninth and final level, Universal Consciousness, which will begin to occur in 2011.
As you know, we have been describing this same evolving consciousness, and how it feels, in the CELESTINE PROPHECY SERIES OF BOOKS. And my upcoming book, THE 12TH INSIGHT, is about what we are already beginning to feel and do to fully integrate this heightened consciousness. In light of this, I believe we are being called immediately to deal with this impending Sixth Night surge! The world financial crisis occurred during the previous, Fifth Night period, which began on November 18, 2007, coinciding exactly with the beginning of the financial crisis. (See Calleman's Chart in his article.) The following Sixth Day, beginning November 12, 2008, was marked by the enthusiasms of the Obama Election in the US and later signs of economic recovery around the world. However, Night Periods are always times of pause, and reflections, to envision what we want and to adjust to what is real. So the coming Night Period seems likely to bring more challenges and revelations, increasing around July of next summer. Calleman believes the Dollar may collapse and all governments may go bankrupt. It could also be more moderate and manifest more internally. In any case, I believe the severity for each of us as individuals, depends on HOW WE HANDLE IT SPIRITUALLY.
The Day Period ending November 7 has been marked by political manipulation, blame, and unbelievable lying on all sides, and a tendency by business to go right back to "business as usual." However, as our consciousness has risen, we have developed an increased sense of truthfulness, and we are totally turned off by all this. We can now more readily tell when someone is out of integrity, we react, and this creates a more immediate karma for those people. (The approval rating for the US Congress is now just 26 percent.) On November 8, the surge of the new night period will flow into us, and I believe we will be called in this period to see the synchronicity of this rash of inauthenticity in political circles as a message for our lives. Hence, I think we will begin cleansing our individual selves of all that is out of integrity. That means telling nothing but the complete truth as we know it to others, and acting always in other people's best interest. (Remember, they already know whether we are or not.) And that alone will bring about a movement toward enlightened capitalism and a more civil society. On the other hand, if we fight the tide, karma will increase.
Another action I believe we are being called to take is to prepare for disruption. Have food stored. Have a plan for going somewhere with a generator if the lights and phones go out for an extended length of time. Watch for currency problems, and take appropriate action. And please don't fall for the fuzzy idea that preparing is sending out a negative expectation and attracting the worst. As Calleman points out, the divine force pushing us along is doing so whether we like it or not. Carry an expectation and prayer for a positive outcome, even while you use your intuition to help you make the right choices. Premonitions and inner guidances are there for a purpose as we evolve toward a more ethical and spiritual world.
As many are already pointing out, the next rising economy is being built on a new value: TRUST. Can we trust the actions and honor of the person we are networking with? Are a person's actions as good as his/her word? With this new sensory power, and better Karma, we are bringing forward the best of our history and tradition. As in all integrations, this one can be proven to oneself. Just try it and you'll feel the full energy of this phase of spiritual evolution: an ethical shift in how we relate to each other -- a shift the Mayans somehow knew was coming. 
Please pass this along as you intuit.
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